
    수강신청    교재소개

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TOEFL Junior 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

TOEFL Junior RC Basic

RC Basic

Reading Comprehension : Evaluate the reading skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to read and understand academic texts
2. Ability to read and understand non-academic texts

TOEFL Junior RC Intermediate

RC Intermediate

Reading Comprehension : Evaluate the reading skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to read and understand academic texts
2. Ability to read and understand non-academic texts

TOEFL Junior RC Advanced

RC Advanced

Reading Comprehention : Evaluate the reading skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to read and understand academic texts
2. Ability to read and understand non-academic texts

TOEFL Junior LC Basic

LC Basic

Listening Comprehension : evaluate the listening skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to understand announcements, presentations, etc. at school
2. Ability to listen and understand conversations in everyday life
3. Ability to listen and understand classes, discussions, etc.

TOEFL Junior LC Intermediate

LC Intermediate

Listening Comprehension : evaluate the listening skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to understand announcements, presentations, etc. at school
2. Ability to listen and understand conversations in everyday life
3. Ability to listen and understand classes, discussions, etc.

TOEFL Junior LC Advanced

LC Advanced

Listening Comprehension : evaluate the listening skills required to learn and live in middle school, where English is the main means of communication between learning and living.

1. Ability to understand announcements, presentations, etc. at school
2. Ability to listen and understand conversations in everyday life
3. Ability to listen and understand classes, discussions, etc.

TOEFL Junior LFM Basic

LFM Basic

Language Form and Measurement: The language form and semantic domain assesses the grammar and vocabulary skills required for communication skills development.

1. Ability to understand sentence structure
2. Ability to recognize contextual vocabulary

TOEFL Junior LFM Intermediate

LFM Intermediate

Language Form and Measurement: The language form and semantic domain assesses the grammar and vocabulary skills required for communication skills development.

1. Ability to understand sentence structure
2. Ability to recognize contextual vocabulary

TOEFL Junior LFM Advanced

LFM Advanced

Language Form and Measurement: The language form and semantic domain assesses the grammar and vocabulary skills required for communication skills development.

1. Ability to understand sentence structure
2. Ability to recognize contextual vocabulary




